Szanowni Państwo,
zapraszamy do przesyłania abstraktów w związku z udziałem w dorocznej konferencji World-CWS.
Więcej informacji znajdą Państwo na stronie.
Women have a close association/interaction with ‘the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes’, what is termed as technology, using it in various ways in their day to day lives whether in the handling of gadgets in the kitchen, driving, using computers, mobiles to playing a leading role in strategic research in the fields of biotechnology, space technology and information technology, medicine, mathematics, business technology, etc. With more and more women across the globe opting for science and technology degrees and even those from humanities and social sciences learning to use technology at work, a change though small but significant can be observed in women’s empowerment through their representation in the technology field. Against this background the one day E-seminar invites abstract of not more than 250 words with maximum 5 keywords on any of the subthemes given below or related to the conference theme ‘Women and Technology’.
- Women, technology and empowerment
- Women, technology and science
- Women, technology and business
- Women, technology and gender sensitization
- Women, technology and literature
- Women, technology and performing arts
- Women, technology and human rights
- Women, technology and environment
- Women, technology and media
- Women, technology and migration
- Women, technology, and labor force
- Women, Technology, and Culture: Past-Present-Future
- Women, technology and social sciences
- Women and technology: past to present
- Women, technology and culture
- Women, technology and management
- Women, technology and research
- Women, technology and religion
- Women, technology and politics
- Women, technology and pandemic
- Women, technology and space
- Women, technology and social protection
- Women, technology and workplace
* Abstract submission last date: 31st January, 2022 * acceptance/rejection/revision within 7 days after receiving abstract