Szanowni Państwo,
Z białoruskiego Biura ds. Edukacji i Szkolnictwa Wyższego Swiatlany Cichanouskiej i jego przedstawicielki, pani Prof. Olgi Shparaga, otrzymaliśmy zaproszenie na konferencję / serię spotkań online, dotyczących obecnej sytuacji szkolnictwa wyższego na Białorusi wobec represji ze strony reżimu Łukaszenki.
Konferencja będzie miała formę tygodnia tematycznego pt. "Focus Belarus - Protests, Plans, Potentials" i jest organizowana przez Technical University of Dresden w dn. 19-24. 07. 2021 r., wezmą w niej udział dotknięci represjami naukowcy białoruscy oraz studenci uczestniczący w protestach przeciwko władzom reżimowym, usunięci ze swoich uczelni.
W treści maila poniżej oraz w załączniku wiadomości znajdują się szczegóły rejestracji oraz program spotkania.
W imieniu organizatorów zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w tym wydarzeniu - konferencja może zainteresować przede wszystkim naukowców zajmujących się tematyką studiów wschodnich.
Dear Colleagues,
Dear Students,
the Technical University of Dresden and the DGO are organizing an online theme week from July 19-24, 2021, called "Focus Belarus - Protests, Plans, Potentials", and hereby kindly invite you to participate. Please find the program attached.
For months, the world has been watching Belarus. In August 2020, hundreds of thousands of Belarusians took to the streets to demonstrate for democratic, fair, and free elections. Where do Belarus and the Belarusian people stand today, almost one year later?
We want to discuss this and further questions in theonline program, which is structured by various thematic focuses:
- Recent social change in Belarus
- Aspects and characteristics of the protest movement since 2020
- The role of gender in the protest movement
- The influence of different countries on Belarus
- Universities in Belarus - Between Repression and Transformation
We are glad to welcome scientists, experts and other engaged people from all around the world onto our virtual stage: For the opening of the week on July 19, we welcome the well-known Belarusian philosopher and author Prof. Dr. Olga Shparaga. She will provide us with important insights into what is happening within the academic sphere of Belarus.
We want to highlight the program on Tuesday, July 20 for all those interested in scientific aspects. A compact conference will take place, in which a wide range of issues will be reflected upon, and which will be concluded with a panel discussion on "Europe and Belarus - further relations". For this, we welcome Prof. Dr. Aleksander Kiklewicz (Olsztyn), Dr. Tatsiana Kulakevich (University of South Florida), Yauheni Preiherman (Minsk Dialogue), Dr. Marina Scharlaj (TU Dresden). Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schmid (St. Gallen) and Katsiaryna Shmatsina (Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies).
After a language lab on the Belarusian language is held on Wednesday, Thursday will focus on the situation of students and general academia in Belarus. On Friday, the program will be concluded with a lecture on the activities of the Belarusian diaspora in Germany.
For interested students from Germany, Belarus, and other countries worldwide, events will be offered throughout the week to get to know each other, exchange ideas, and playfully discuss socio-political processes.
We are looking forward to your participation and kindly ask you to register on our website. You will receive an email with the event details and the access link just in time for the event.
We kindly ask you to forward this mail and the program of the theme week to possibly interested parties in your environment and look forward to a lively exchange during the week of July 19!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
With kind regards
The student organizers,
The Institute of Slavic Studies of the TU Dresden,
Prof. Dr. Holger Kuße